We are now in the process of searching for a Rabbi who is the right match for our community. To ensure we are in the best possible position to make a successful shidduch, a change has been proposed to our synagogue’s bylaws. This change is particularly important as we begin the process of searching for a new rabbi, and it remains aligned with our Conservative Jewish beliefs and values.The proposed bylaw change would state that while our new rabbi must adhere to the standards of the Rabbinical Assembly (RA) and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ), the rabbi does not need to be a current member of the RA at the time of hiring. This modification, though minor in wording, is significant in practice because it would allow us to consider candidates from a broader range of reputable seminaries, not just those traditionally affiliated with the Conservative movement.
You can find a full link to our current bylaws here, and the proposed changes here.
We encourage you to share your thoughts and participate in this important conversation. A Special Meeting of the Congregation is scheduled on Thursday, September 12th at 8 pm via Zoom, using these meeting procedures, to discuss this proposed change in greater detail.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3018699842?pwd=dUhOM3FUNEpwbXlnSUtOcC9xTmRIQT09#success |